by Katie Moyer | Jan 17, 2020 | Patient Engagement
How stories impact trust, empathy, and patient adherence Consider the following scenario: a patient comes in to see you—an older male, overweight, with a family history of diabetes. Do you: A) Hand him a brochure that warns of the dangers of pre-diabetes and lists...
by Stephanie Barlas | Oct 18, 2019 | Medical Marketing, Patient Engagement
Used correctly, it’s a powerful tool for patient engagement and practice marketing For as long as email has been a part of our daily lives, doctors have been concerned about whether or not to use this method of communication with their patients. Even in 2019, the...
by jsopher | Nov 23, 2018 | Technology & the Internet
The growing role of voice assistants in health care Judging by the number of commercials advertising “smart speakers,” voice technology is going to be big this holiday season. In 2017, almost 44 million voice assistants were sold, and these devices are...
by Rachel Bishop | Aug 31, 2016 | Technology & the Internet
While more health care providers are utilizing technology for professional purposes, there is still a stigma surrounding social media for many doctors. “‘Waste of time’ is the most common and scathing criticism leveled at social media by my physician friends and...
by Michael Sopher | May 12, 2016 | Emerging Technology & Trends
A nurse inspired by a young chemotherapy patient’s courage posts a photo on her personal Facebook page, being careful not to use the patient’s name. A practice manager posts a photo of an office party on Instagram; a stack of patient files is in the background. A...