by Stephanie Barlas | May 8, 2020 | Medical Marketing, Patient Engagement
Reassure patients with proactive communication and patient education during COVID-19 As we discussed in our last post, there is a lot of misinformation circulating during COVID-19. If you run an eye care practice, your patients may be concerned or confused about...
by Dr. Paul Karpecki | Apr 16, 2020 | Practice Pearls, Technology & the Internet
How your practice can address this condition now and in the future COVID-19 has forced the world to adapt and change like never before. In a matter of weeks, we’ve seen doctors who have never before offered telemedicine figuring out how to continue caring for their...
by Smitha Gopal | Dec 21, 2018 | Emerging Technology & Trends
Originally published on March 2, 2018 The pros and cons of operating a direct-pay practice As the demands of practicing medicine have increased, many doctors are becoming increasingly discouraged and burned out. One solution? Eliminating the headaches of accepting...
by Brigitte Granger | Oct 17, 2018 | Marketing Your Practice
Increase premium conversions, boost patients’ confidence in their treatment decisions, and avoid buyer’s remorse What is the Outcome Simulator? Rendia’s Outcome Simulator was born out of conversations with our customers who explained their challenges communicating the...
by Brigitte Granger | Oct 12, 2018 | Practice Pearls, Technology & the Internet
How Rendia is empowering patients who have irreversible vision loss This is the second half of a two-part series in honor of Meet the Blind Month. Months ago, a few members of the Rendia team met with the National Federation of the Blind to learn how we could support...