by Kirby Browning | Oct 16, 2020 | Marketing Your Practice, Patient Engagement
Digital patient engagement tools are here to stay Health care will never be the same. With less time spent in person with patients to limit the spread of COVID-19, doctors have had to adapt how they deliver care, both in their offices and online. If we’re being...
by Katie Moyer | Jan 17, 2020 | Patient Engagement
How stories impact trust, empathy, and patient adherence Consider the following scenario: a patient comes in to see you—an older male, overweight, with a family history of diabetes. Do you: A) Hand him a brochure that warns of the dangers of pre-diabetes and lists...
by jsopher | Jun 9, 2017 | Technology & the Internet
From apps to smart pills, new digital tools are tackling this costly problem Patients who do not take their medication or follow through on doctor-prescribed treatments are a common – and costly – problem. A recent study published in the American Journal of Managed...