Doctors are Increasingly Dissatisfied With EHRs


An article from April 2013 discussed findings from recent studies revealing significant problems dealing with the usability of electronic health record systems and their effect on physician productivity. They attributed some of these new issues to the addition of extra features that have been added to meet the meaningful use requirements such as quality reporting and patient portals. Other issues included documenting patient encounters in EHR drop-down boses, poor usability of user interfaces, and lack of working well with existing workflow processes.

"The clearest evidence of these perceptions of EHRs comes from an AmericanEHR survey of 4,279 physicians. Presented at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society conference in March by representatives of the American College of Physicians and AmericanEHR Partners, which was founded by the ACP and Cientis Technologies, the survey shows that EHR satisfaction and usability ratings dropped from 2010 to 2012 across a broad range of practice settings, specialties and products from multiple vendors."

Are you satisfied with your EHR? If not, what's the biggest frustration you have?

To read more on what these studies revealed, click here for the full article on iHealthBeat.

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