How to Hire the Best People for Your Practice


Who you hire for an open position your practice is one of the most important decisions you can make. Each member of your staff, from your office manager to your RN, is an integral part of your medical practice running smoothly. By making smart hiring decisions, you will decrease turnover, leading to a more cohesive team, improved patient care and better performance and profitability.

Smart Hiring Tips

1. Identify your practice’s needs.

Start by looking around you and defining the specific role you are trying to fill in your office. What tasks are falling through the cracks? Where do you need extra support? Where could your practice be more efficient? Take out a pen and a pad of paper, walk around your practice and record the needs you want to address by hiring a new person.

2. Describe your ideal candidate.

To find the right person for the job, you must first have a clear idea of what the day-to-day job will entail. Write a detailed position description to provide a foundation for you as you search for potential candidates and to refer back to once you begin to work with your new hire. Outline job duties, responsibilities, qualifications, skills or other traits, and be specific. Imagine the perfect candidate and the attributes he or she would bring to the job. For example, if you are looking for an administrative assistant who can organize your chaotic front office, convert old patient records to new software and be a calm and cheerful presence for nervous patients, communicate these qualities in the job description.

3. Focus on culture.

Remember that someone who looks great on paper might not be the best fit for your office in terms of personality or values. Hire for culture as well as for skills. You will be working closely with your new employee, and how well you communicate and relate to one another is important.

4. Take your time.

Figuring out how to hire the best people for your practice is not a process you should rush through. Be sure to research your short list of candidates thoroughly before making a decision. Conduct several interviews with each of your top contenders, and ask challenging questions that give you an idea of what they have accomplished in the past and what they will do for your practice. Double-check credentials, and take the time to track down and interview references. Your diligence now will pay off in the long run.

What are your top hiring tips when looking for new employees at your practice? Share them!

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